Feathers -- How to Age Your Gobbler
-- by Rob Ramsdale
Group of Jakes
The tail feathers on
a male turkey gobbler are really only useful in identifying
jakes (1 year-old gobblers) from mature birds. When
the tail feathers of a jake are fanned out, the middle
2 to 6 sets of primary feathers will be 2 to 4 inches
longer than the rest of the feathers giving the fan
a "bump" in the middle.
Jakes have the longer
tail feathers because during the late summer molt
a young gobbler goes through, he only replaces the
middle primary tail feathers. In the second year,
the tail molts in the standard adult pattern from
the outside in and the gobbler will then have a full,
even fan.
Once a bird reaches 2
years of age, he will have an even fan for the rest
of his lifetime. There are occasions when he will
lose a tail feather or get one broken off. In those
cases he will quickly grow another in it's spot so
it is possible to see a mature bird with an uneven,
short tailfeather or two.
This "bump in the middle" tail fan characteristic is
especially useful in determing the age of a strutting
gobbler since you can determine quite easily if it is
a mature bird or not from a long distance.
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