of the Hunt
My first turkey with a
bow. I set myself up in the blind before
sunrise with bow in hand. As the sun
was coming up I heard a chorus of gobbles
coming from the East. I put the striker
to the slate and it really stirred them
up, gobbling their heads off. We went
back and forth making noise at each
other for almost and hour and a half
but they were moving in closer until
they got to within about 50 yards or
so then stopped. I spotted a few through
the trees moving along the edge of the
field again but they seemed to be spooked.
They moved off and and I then realized
what it was I had forgotten! I took
the risk of coming out of the blind
and set up a hen decoy about 20 yards
I got back in the blind
and began calling again. I got good
responses again and they gradually moved
in closer. They must have spotted the
decoy and it worked because they came
trotting in line to the breakfast table
that had been set for them. Behind the
hens I saw one with what looked to be
about a 5-inch beard. I drew the bow
back and got set, took aim on him and
just as I was going to take the shot
I spotted another bird coming in fast
and head on at me with a big old beard
just swinging from sided to side. Change
of target! He got in behind a tree right
at about 25 yards and began to scratch
around a bit then strutted a little
then scratched and fed again, all the
while keeping the tree between us.
After what seemed like
forever I couldn’t hold back the
bow any longer so I eased off the string.
Some of the hens either spotted or heard
me in the blind and started to run but
only went about 10 feet and stopped
but kept an eye in my direction. The
old long beard kept right on with his
business but did begin to move out from
behind the tree after a couple minutes.
I somehow managed to draw the bow again
without spooking them (lucky) and got
set for the shot. Maybe 10 or 12 seconds
in reality but felt like 10 or 12 minutes
he stepped out from behind the tree
and gave me a picture perfect broadside
shot. I released, heard a thud and saw
my arrow sticking in him. He went to
the side for a step or two then took
off running. I waited a few minutes
while I tried to calm down and catch
my breath then went looking. I started
a zig zag search at the point I lost
sight of him and found him about 50
yards away nudged up against a fallen