Many people travel to
Kansas in search of a Rio Grande turkey. Kansas has
Easterns, Rios and hybrid birds across the state.
Generally, Easterns predominate in the eastern 1/3
of the state next to Missouri. The true Rios are limited
to the south-central, south-west and north-west parts
of the state. KDWP put together some maps showing
the general ranges of the different subspecies.

Rio Grande Range -- (above)

Eastern Wild Turkey Range
As you can see, there
is an overlap in ranges which is defined by the 2
lighter colors on each map. If you want to shoot a
pure Rio or a pure Eastern, stay in the Primary Ranges
or the dark Orange areas on the map. The rest of the
state has hybrid birds.
I do most of
my hunting in a county that contains both
Eastern and Rio/Eastern hybrid birds. I've
seen some birds that look completely like
a Rio but the majority look like Easterns.
What's interesting is that even within the
same flock, there may be birds that look
like a true Eastern standing by a turkey
that looks like a Rio Grande so you never
know what you might get.